as required by the GDPR (EU Reg. No. 2016/679), we provide you with the following information in relation to the processing of your personal data:
Data controller.
The Data Controller is Felis Srl Unipersonale (C.F. 04155280268) with registered office in Trieste, via Oriani n. 3.
Contact details: e-mail address PEC address
Purpose and legal basis.
The contact form only collects personal data, not particular ones. The processing of your personal data is aimed at providing feedback to the request formulated by you via the contact form on the website. The treatment is based on the consent expressed by you by ticking the bottom of the contact form before sending the message, in accordance with art. 6, paragraph 1, lett. a), of the GDPR. Sending the message is not possible without having ticked the appropriate box for having read this information and expressing consent. If you are contacting the Company in order to request the formulation of a quote or to send a purchase order, the art. 6, paragraph 1, lett. b), of the GDPR, with reference to the execution of pre-contractual measures. The provision of data is necessary to be able to provide a timely and complete response to your request.
Processing methods.
The processing of your personal data is carried out mainly by means of IT means, by authorized personnel, with full compliance with the principles expressed in EU Reg. n. 2016/679. Felis Srl Unipersonale is equipped with adequate security measures for all types of processing, both for those that take place on paper and for those implemented via computer support. Access to the devices is protected with passwords, software is used to prevent the attack by malicious software and unauthorized access by third parties and by regularly backing up the data. No automated decision-making processes are implemented with reference to your personal data (e.g. profiling).
Data communication.
Your personal data, provided by filling out the contact form on the website, are not communicated to third parties nor, in any case, are they subject to disclosure. A transfer of data abroad is not foreseen.
Rights of the interested party.
You have the right to ask the Data Controller to exhibit and copy your personal data (right of access), their correction and integration (right of rectification), their cancellation, limitation of treatment and opposition to the same . You can receive your personal data and transmit them to another Data Controller or obtain direct transmission (so-called portability). Limited to treatments that are based on the legal basis of consent, the latter, once given, can be revoked at any time. The exercise of your rights can be limited only in the cases provided for by the GDPR and by the Code regarding the protection of personal data (legislative decree n. 196/2003).
To exercise your rights, you can send a registered letter or certified email using the contact details indicated above.
You have the right to contact the Guarantor for the protection of personal data by proposing a complaint to complain about violations of the rules for the protection of personal data.
Data retention period.
Your data will be kept only for the time necessary to respond to your request. If the contact generates a supply relationship, the data will be kept for the period corresponding to the duration of the contractual relationship and as required by tax legislation.